Our work in Georgia

Published: Mar 5, 2019 Reading time: 1 minute
Kazbegi LAG Supported Kindergarten in Stepantsminda
© Photo: Tornike Turabelidze

PIN strives for a world in which people are not restricted by an unfree society, poverty, lack of opportunities or discrimination. We believe our world can be a better place for people who are suffering from poverty, injustice or inequality. We also believe that people who are in need can play an active role in making global development more inclusive and sustainable.

In Georgia, empowering people is at the heart of all we do. PIN understands empowerment as a process by which people become more capable of claiming their rights and actively promoting change. PIN’s goal in Georgia is to reduce poverty and inequalities, particularly in rural areas. We work towards this goal by: 

1) Making the development process in Georgia more pro-poor and inclusive

2) Building the capacity of people, organisations and networks to advocate and implement changes

3) Protecting the poorest and most vulnerable households, which remain excluded from the development process.

In the event of a disaster, PIN also has a role to play to save lives and protect the dignity of people affected by the disaster, as outlined in PIN’s Emergency and Preparedness Plan.

Autor: Ramaz Chichinadze, Communication Officer

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