What an incredible start to the PIN Georgia civil educational program of OWIS (One World in School)

Published: Mar 9, 2023 Reading time: 1 minute
What an incredible start to the PIN Georgia civil educational program of OWIS (One World in School)
© Photo: PIN

Our top trainers Nana Rapava and Muro Takalandze, together with project team, delivered our first 2023 training programme – about Media Literacy skills, Media Communication and OWIS Methodology to 10 new CSOs in Georgia! Three Ukrainian and Seven Georgian!

Over the course of 5 days in Tbilisi, Georgia (February 10-14, 2023), they received a wealth of knowledge and engaging activities to better equip them as educators. With what they learn now in their arsenal, these professionals will be able to provide workshops, screening and teaching through documentary films via PIN-OWIS approach, more effectively - ultimately supporting communities in their own region and city 

Media literacy is an essential tool for strengthening democracy. It allows individuals to critically evaluate and analyze the information they receive from various sources, including traditional media outlets, social media platforms, and other sources of information.

PIN OWIS methodology and teaching through films, promotes critical thinking, informed decision-making, and active civic engagement, all of which are crucial for maintaining a healthy and vibrant democracy.

The Training was conducted in the frame of the project "Resilient Civil Society and Media Respond to the Ukraine War’’, funded by the European Commission.
Autor: PIN

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